New Brunswick has 68 recognized ‘Farm to Schools’
Photo: Matthew Childs, left, and Liam Lundrigan working in the garden beside Harbour View High School. (Joseph Tunney/CBC)

When it comes to growing fruits and vegetables, New Brunswick schools are top banana.
Harbour View High School in Saint John was designated a “Farm to School” earlier this month, meaning it teaches students proper food conservation and sustainability with its outdoor classroom.
New Brunswick has 68 Farm to Schools, a disproportionately high number compared to the rest of Canada.
“I know there are more out there,” said Emily Lennon, who runs the outdoor classroom and garden at Harbour View.
“It’s just a matter of them being recognized.”
Only Manitoba, Quebec and British Columbia have more recognized schools than New Brunswick. READ MORE
By Joseph Tunney
CBC News
Nov 14, 2016