Nicole Hambleton

Regional Lead for ONTARIO
Sustain Ontario, Farm to school programs lead



I’m thrilled to be joining Sustain Ontario’s Edible Education Network as Ontario Lead for farm to school programs. I have worked in the sector of food and nutrition since graduating from Ryerson University with a degree in nutrition (Dietetics) in 1999. Since 2014 I have been involved in local food, farming, and education in the Headwaters Region as a consultant, then co-coordinator of Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance’s (HFFA) farm to school programs. In this role I helped establish Local Food Club – a school centred, monthly, hyper-local meal in a bag program; Farmers in the School – real farmers in classrooms teaching kids about local food and farming; and Family Food Classes where Dietitians, Chefs and Farmers shared knowledge and cooked with kids! When not working on an organic farm, I teach empathy based programs in schools.

Nicole lives and works from the ancestral lands of the Anishinaabe and Michizaagiig peoples.