Are you convinced that healthy eating among kids starts with education? We are! That’s why Équiterre has been developing a digital platform dedicated to food education for young people aged 0 to 17. Developed jointly with the healthy eating working group during the Table québécoise sur la saine alimentation (Quebec roundtable on healthy eating), this unique and original platform will provide a one-stop-shop for hundreds of food-related educational resources developed by Quebec-based organizations (or those with a branch in Quebec). The platform will be accessible across Canada and some of the resources will be available in English.

The platform’s main purpose will be to empower and inform practitioners working with children and youth in early childhood centers, schools, and summer camps. The platform is set to launch in the fall of this year, and we need your help to enhance it. If you develop educational tools for children or provide food-related services to practitioners, we’d love to hear from you!

Fill out our online form to submit a tool or a professional service and enjoy a prominent position on our platform. Thank you for helping us make this project a nation-wide success!

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