Chef Joshna Maharaj believes institutional food could be tasty and nourishing

Chef Joshna Maharaj believes institutional food could be tasty and nourishing

Photo: Joshna Maharaj’s book Take Back the Tray: Revolutionising Food in Hospitals, Schools and Institutions is a call-to-arms for chefs and administrators alike. (@joshnamaharaj/, ECW Press)

Why hospital food is so bad and how we can make it better

Is there anything more unappetizing than hospital food? The very mention of it conjures images of Jello cups, limp lettuce and soggy sandwiches. Nothing to make your mouth water in anticipation and nothing to nourish the body or spirit.

“The reason this food is so bad is because nobody with any real power cares enough to make it any better,” said Toronto chef and food activist Joshna Maharaj, speaking with The Sunday Edition‘s Michael Enright.

“There’s a hospitality disaster happening here,” explained Maharaj. “Every tray of bad food tells a patient that the restoration of their health is not worth any more effort than that.”

Read more and listen to the full conversation

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